Fov1d Mechanical Seal is single end face, large spring, unbalanced structure mechanical seal.

Product Categories:

Structural Features

Internally installed, internally flowing, single end face, large spring, unbalanced structure.Drive with hooks at both ends of the spring. When ordering, please indicate the direction of rotation of the spring so that the twisting torque during operation will only tighten the spring, not loosen it.


GJB9001C, ISO9001, CE-MD, EN ISO12100

Scope of Application

Widely used in the energy industryfood processing industry, petrochemical, pharmaceuticalpapermaking, and water treatment industries.

Inner Diameter

18 mm to 100 mm


Rotary Ring Face: Carbon/SiC/TC
Stationary Ring Face: SiC/TC
Elastomers: Viton/PTFE
Springs: SS304/SS316
Metal Parts: SS304/SS316

Operation Parameters

Pressure:≤ 0.8 Pa
Temperature: – 20~200℃
Linear Speed:≤ 20m/s


Various oil products, organic solvents,  and general corrosive media such as weak acids and bases.